Why Participate
There is nothing more thrilling then the ping a staff member at a nonprofit gets notifying them that a gift has been made to support their work.
On South Dakota Day of Giving, #GivingTuesday, Dec 3, 2024, people like you who love South Dakota have an opportunity to ignite a movement of giving all across the state (and generate a lot of whoops and hollers from the nonprofits who are getting their hands dirty day in and out to support important causes in South Dakota).
When you give to participating nonprofits on South Dakota Day of Giving, the causes you choose to support have the opportunity to win prize money from the South Dakota Prize Pool. It doesn’t matter if you give $5 or $5 million. Every gift you make, every post you like, every tweet you share, raises the chances a nonprofit has to win prize money.
The best part?
Every last cent you donate goes directly to the nonprofit. That’s right. Because your gift is made directly to the organizations you chose to support, not one penny will go to South Dakota Gives. We’re just the igniters. The initiators. The people in the background who love this state, believe it is generous, and wish to support good people doing really big things.
How to give
Check out all the incredible nonprofits, from Aberdeen to Mitchell, Yankton to Oglala (and places you may never have even heard of), learn more about them, and click on their logo. You’ll be directed to their online giving form. Simply make a gift.